Essex Toastmasters
Where Success Shows and Confidence Grows
Club 2567 Division A Area 12 District 83 Region 06
Next meeting is on Thurs, March 13, 2025 at:
1285 Broad Street, 2nd Floor, Bloomfield, NJ 07003
About Our Club
Essex Toastmasters is one club out of the 14,700 clubs that are a part of the Toastmasters International organization. Our friendly and diverse group of members offer abundant support and encouragement. We are an open community club that welcomes anyone who wants to face their fear of public speaking, try their best, and strive to reach their goals. Our members come from all different backgrounds, which means the speech topics are always interesting and informative.
Meet the 2024-2025 Club Officers
Every June, members are elected to serve on the club's executive board, which is comprised of the following officers: President, VP of Education, VP of Membership, VP of Public Relations, Treasurer, Secretary and Sergeant at Arms. Serving as a club officer is a great opportunity to aid in the club's success and gain valuable hands-on leadership experience.

Rebecca Simmons, ATMB, PM5, SR1
As President of the club, I am responsible for fulfilling the mission of the club, presiding at club and executive committee meetings, and supervising the operation of the club. I am proud to lead an organization that is empowering our members to find their voice and become leaders.
Wendy Moses, DTM
VP of Education
As Vice President of Education, I am responsible for planning, organizing, and directing a club program which meets the educational needs of the individual members. I look forward to helping you discover the amazing things you are capable of!

Marcia Chambers, DTM
VP of Public Relations
As VP of Public Relations, I am responsible for coordinating an active public relations and publicity program. This includes promoting our club through various forms of media, activities and events to raise awareness and get the word out.
Jonathan Lai
VP of Membership
The Vice President of Membership is responsible for planning, organizing and directing a program that ensures individual member retention and growth in club individual membership.

Shadonae Stanley
As Secretary, I am the club's primary note-taker and record keeper. I am responsible for managing the club files, handling club correspondence, archiving meeting agendas and taking the minutes during club officer meetings.

Gebrina Roberts
As Treasurer, I am responsible for club financial policies, procedures, and controls. With the approval of the club, I receive and disburse funds; pay to Toastmasters International all financial obligations of this club as they come due, and keep an accurate account of all transactions.

DaJuan Johnson
Sergeant at Arms
As Sergeant at Arms, I am responsible for club property management, meeting room preparation, and hospitality.

Maurice Lyle, SR2
Immediate Past President
As Immediate Past President, I help out where ever I am needed. I share my knowledge and experience with the club officers to help them do their jobs better. I also chair the Nominations Committee.